Conversations with the SAINT…

Srila Prabhupada Lecture Transcript
Room Conversations
- Gopāla Kṛṣṇa is very nice boy
- She likes our movement very much
- Whenever I heard that, I have been very disturbed
- Arrival Conversation
- Gurumukh padma Vakya
- Hare Kṛṣṇa Movement Catches On
- I moved everything to Bombay
- Blitz Tears the Mask of Ungodly Face of Kṛṣṇa Cult
- These books have been acclaimed by scholars all over the world
- We have a very beautiful garden for you
- You cannot touch with your feet even in Rādhā-kuṇḍa
- I’ll tell you what the facts are.
- Deity messing
- Blitz Tears the Mask of Ungodly Face of Kṛṣṇa Cult
- Russian scholars have praised Prabhupāda’s books
- These books are being used in five thousand universities, including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale
- By chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, the thinking of the brain stops
- Our whole business is to relieve you of all problems
- It’s the pop music that people hear
- God is man, and man is God
- These all are Prabhupāda’s books
- Kodaikanal, a very famous place
- Yoga courses for tourists in Vṛndāvana and Bombay
- Now they are doing everything, even leading nations
- Every book with same format _ illustration
- nitāi-gaura-rādhe-śyāma” – To be avoided
- Especially book distribution is getting very strong with Indians
- We may need a small loan, Śrīla Prabhupāda
- He’s a very nice sannyāsī
- Prabhupāda produces one book a month still
- We are fighting it in the court
- Russian agency says “Happy New Year
- It’s for our Gurujī. Please don’t cheat
- People are not satisfied with simple living
- So realize this money
- Our pricing will be consistent
- I am very glad to see when you work so hard for Kṛṣṇa
- Attract these scientists – Yes, He can attract
- He is very ambitious to print all these books
- GBC Resolutions – Day 1
GBC Resolutions – Day 2
Butchers’ health organization- First Day in Juhu Quarters
- Political Discussions
- How to Secure Brahmacārīs
Surendra Kumarjī praises your efforts very much
Eleven Krishna Devotees Held for Firing
Mr. Gopāla Kṛṣṇa Dāsa, Secretary, Bombay center of the organization
Government should close the Māyāpur center
By Kṛṣṇa’s grace we have a very nice devotee cook now
Our Life Members love these books
In Bombay hundreds of people come just to look at the building
We’ll print more
Please do not be discouraged by these incidents
Sold to everyone for one rupee
You are still the inspiration for everything we do
Take little care, that’s all
ISKCON had this special status
So these seven meet, and they divide up the money
He wanted to print as many books as possible
Govardhana Parikrama
All Russian universities ordered Prabhupāda’s books
Morning Walk
Scientific advancement
BBT warehouse – As per your directions
When I was alone, I was selling books
This is also lying vacant
Deities are greeted at seven o’clock
Our preaching means to turn demons into devotees
Kaṣṭan kāmān_ Advanced in civilization
haven’t given them any men
Gītār Gān is ready
I made this Trust_ fifty percent, fifty percent
That will give us a lot of publicity
Governor of Karnataka visited one temple
How to read Srimad Bhagavatam
Our philosophy is old _ fresh
Cheating begins from the government
It will be very bad example- ISKCON and Hindu cult
- Festival in Ramlila ground
- Challenge the whole world, that “You are all fools
- I don’t think they are bona fide translations
- Secularism means roguism
- Roti Kapara Makan
- Our Chinese Gītā is coming out
- Krishna is greatest of the cheaters and most merciful
- Brahmacārī gurukule vasan dāntaḥ
- Bombay’s Temple
- By birth he’s Indian
- We want to maintain an ideal institution
- Material attraction is industry